Enjoy this repost from a 2019 blog.
Our journey as a firm providing evaluation and organizational development services at times may sound like the trek of the three wise men in the Christmas story. Here’s how:
Epiphany: Christian traditions celebrate the story of the wise men as the Epiphany, a revelation about Jesus, the faith’s awaited Messiah. In evaluation, Scale Strategic Solutions is often searching for realizations and discoveries in our studies. While the insights may seem to emerge suddenly, epiphanies in evaluation are a product of a complex journey of data collection and analysis. In training for clients, there is a process of organizational strategy, planning, and training that often culminates in development sessions where participants have small epiphanies about new skills they can apply or different approaches to improve their work.
Star of Wonder: In the story of the wise men, they see an extraordinarily bright star in the sky that they follow to find evidence of the Christmas birth. Evaluators also follow curious evidence, seeking answers to our evaluation questions. Scale Strategic Solutions will seek more evidence to explain the phenomenon of the ‘star’ that stands out from all the other stars in the data. In organizational development, we also address glaring needs or bright opportunities by developing strategy and training appropriately.
Bearing Gifts: When the wise men arrived to find Jesus, they brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. In evaluation, particularly formative or development evaluations, we want to provide valuable ‘gifts’ to the clients and programs when we reach the final stage of producing findings. Scale Strategic Solutions wants to provide information clients can use as our gifts, such as summaries for the field, recommendations, and evidence-based next steps. Similarly, in training services, we are providing knowledge, tools, and skills to help organizations and trainees carry out what they learned.
Scale Strategic Solutions wishes you a wonderful and wise journey through the new year. Happy Holidays!