Sometimes, evaluation can feel like something “done to” us. A power that comes over our programs and our work to judge and change us. Our Scale Strategic Solutions team tries to avoid evaluation as something “done to” organizations and programs and champions doing evaluation “with and for” organizations and programs. There are several ways to execute participatory evaluation, one technique in particular that we have started to borrow in clinical research settings is the community engagement studio.
The Community Engagement Studio is one of the unique services developed by The Meharry-Vanderbilt Community Engaged Research Core. It was developed to help researchers interested in working directly with patients and other community stakeholders do so in a way that is culturally sensitive and in keeping with community priorities, values, and needs. The CE Studio creates a framework for stakeholders to provide immediate feedback to the researcher on specific areas of concern before the research project is implemented.
The Community Engagement Studio will allow the community members to learn about the research that we are doing in their community and how it will directly benefit them, their families, and community. The engagement of the community members in the CE Studio also contributes to the development and execution of the program in a continuous learning cycle. We in turn as researchers gain an increased understanding of how to be culturally sensitive to the community, how the community works together, and how to engage its members.
What experiences have you had shaping an evaluation as a program participant or community member? If you are an evaluator, what participatory approaches do you use? Share with us on Twitter
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Scale Strategic Solutions.