A blog that informs our clients about real world topics related to what we do as Scale Strategic Solutions!
Building Cultural Intelligence...
Cultural Intelligence® is the ability for organizations and individuals to navigate our diverse world effectively. Scale Strategic Solutions realizes how the need for cultural intelligence shows up not only in organizational training but strategic planning, project management, and program evaluation. We often collaborate with consultants, such as The Eastledge Group, to bring diversity, equity, and inclusion subject matter expertise into projects. Together with the Eastledge Group, we have delivered cultural intelligence training to clients based on the work of the Cultural Intelligence Center so that stakeholders can improve their skills to operate and manage in multicultural settings. Our clients have appreciated how this framework provides practical strategies and tactics for individuals and builds skills that can be applied to a range of settings and interpersonal exchanges. Visit The Eastledge Group to see more about Cultural Intelligence ®, https://www.theeastledgegroup.com/blog/cultural-intelligence-a-game-changer-for-diversity-amp-inclusion-professionals.